Baş ve boyun sitolojisi
Indications of Baş ve boyun sitolojisi
Sampling and preparation methods
Oral cavity
Cystic lesions
Anatomy and cytology of salivary glands
Tumor-like lesions of salivary glands
Benign salivary glands tumors
Malignant salivary glands tumors
Other lesions of salivary glands

Myoepithelial adenoma

The smears show monomorphous spindle-shaped or plasmacytoid cells, clean background, no or just very little normal salivary gland epithelium. The chondromyxoid stroma is not present (if present, the tumor is called 'mixed tumor'). The nuclei are round or elongated. No mitotic figures are present. Metachromatic fragments may be found, but they do not correspond to the large amount of metachromatic stroma of the mixed tumor!

Myoepithelial adenoma - histology
Myoepithelial adenoma
Myoepithelial adenoma

